Advanced Safety Performance Evaluation & Consulting Techniques
Advanced Safety Management
Understanding people in every aspect of safety performance by asking the right Key Performance Questions
ASPECT SAFETY PERFORMANCE CONSULTING® is about understanding people in every aspect of safety performance by asking the right Key Performance Questions (KPQs); it is based on the belief that safety management is essentially a people-centric continuous improvement activity:
Understanding how people think and operate
Helping them to help themselves perform effectively
Continuously striving to learn and improve
Founder & Director of ASPECT
Jeanne Paul
BSc(Hons) MSc MSc CEng FIMechE
"ASPECT is my company and my Safety Management System (SMS) evaluation tool - a pipe dream I had recovering from cancer - 2nd time round. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and major surgery eventually focused my attention to create the legacy I promised!"
Jeanne has 19 years-experience as an RAF engineer officer where she was recognised by Haddon-Cave QC in ‘The Nimrod Review’ (2009) for researching, promoting and introducing the RAF’s Human Factors Maintenance Error Management System, for which Jeanne received a Commander-in-Chief HQ Air Command award for making an original, outstanding and practical contribution to Flight Safety.
After leaving the RAF in 2012, Jeanne became a Senior Consultant for a leading aviation safety consultancy with civil & military aviation clients worldwide. As the lead consultant for safety culture and safety assurance, Jeanne has designed and carried out consultant-led safety culture and Safety Management System (SMS) diagnostics including custom-developing and introducing into service the Military Aviation Authority’s MAA Air Safety Management Performance Matrix (an evaluation tool based on ICAO guidance on Safety Management).
Jeanne is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers qualified with 2 Masters degrees from Cranfield University:
MSc in Thermal Power (Gas Turbine Technology)
MSc in Human Factors & Safety Assessment in Aeronautics (Prize for Best Overall Performance)
Consulting Services
Advanced Safety Management
Understanding people in every aspect of safety performance by asking the right Key Performance Questions (KPQs)
Freelance Consulting in All Aspects of Safety Performance
Revolutionary, advanced and comprehensive approach to managing safety based on a unique blend of consultancy skills, civil & military experience, academic knowledge and research
Please get in touch if you wish to discuss a consultancy service custom-designed to meet your specific requirements
Safety Management System Evaluation
Expert guidance on evaluating the key elements of an effective SMS enabling you to develop your own individual solution to continuously improving your safety management capability
Safety Culture & Leadership
Safety Hazard Risk Management
Safety Competence & Capability
Safety Assurance
Safety Performance Measurement
Innovative and exclusive approach to measuring safety performance using a leading-edge combination of quantitative and qualitative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) derived from Key Performance Questions (KPQs)
Safety Culture Assessment
All Aspects of SMS Performance Measurement
Creating Key Performance Questions
Developing Key Performance Indicators
Advanced Safety Performance Evaluation & Continuous improvement Tool
Evaluating SMS Effectiveness
Pioneering New SMS Evaluation Tool Coming Soon
Jeanne is currently working with Musketeer Solutions Ltd to deliver ASPECT (Advanced Safety Performance Evaluation & Continuous improvement Tool), a pioneering new and exclusive Safety Management System (SMS) effectiveness evaluation tool. ASPECT is specifically designed to be an advanced self-help assessment tool which has a unique blend of consultancy skills, civil & military experience, academic knowledge and research embedded within it.
Why choose ASPECT to evaluate your SMS?
ASPECT - an advanced self-help SMS evaluation tool - is based on 'Why?', perspective and choice, it:
Asks the right questions - ‘Why?’
Analyses your evidence-based answers to provide a comprehensive report
Gives you perspective on your SMS effectiveness
Gives you choice by informing decision-making and enabling resource prioritisation
Enables you to develop your own unique Safety Strategy to ensure you continuously learn and improve
Is widely applicable beyond aviation (oil & gas, nuclear, rail, marine, medical)
Get in touch today to find out more ...
Awards & Testimonials
28 October 2009
An independent review into the broader issues surrounding the loss of the RAF Nimrod MR2 Aircraft XV230 in Afghanistan in 2006
Jeanne was recognised by Charles Haddon-Cave QC in The Nimrod Review for researching, promoting and introducing the RAF's Human Factors Maintenance Error Management System (HF MEMS), a significant RAF safety initiative at the time and now an evolving Defence-wide initiative, Defence Aviation Error Management System (DAEMS)
Jeanne received the Commander-in-Chief HQ Air Command Adrian Ray Memorial Award for making an original, outstanding and practical contribution to Flight Safety
There have been recent praiseworthy advances in pre-emptive Human Factors (HF) reporting using Human Factors Maintenance Error Management Systems ((M)EMS) due in large measure to the initiative of Wing Commander Jeanne Paul (XO Programmes, COS SPP) and the support of Air Commodore Julian Young (ACOS A4). The (M)EMS initiative is already paying substantial dividends in the RAF …
In my view, the (M)EMS initiative is a model of its kind, with huge potential benefits for the improvement of Airworthiness management across the whole of Defence.
Working as part of the Aviation Safety Group, Sqn Ldr Paul has made an outstanding personal contribution to Flight Safety through her development of a Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS). With rigorous analysis of the flight safety archive and building on a growing understanding of human factors across the aviation industry, she has taken significant practical steps to identify and define the need for the RAF to manage maintenance error like any other business risk with a robust corrective programme.
Sqn Ldr Paul’s success throughout has been her ability to take accepted principles from industry and academia and adapt them to RAF needs. She has begun to break the pattern of the same errors happening to different people across the RAF and moved the focus from inadequacies of personnel to remedial activity at the workplace.